First of all let’s define success.
In my opinion, success is achieving what you set out to
achieve. The question now is, how do you achieve what you want? There is any
number of answers to this question and many books have been written on the subject.
However, I think the answer, at least most of the time is, “Sponsorship”. In
other words you need someone who has the power to grant you access to your
desires. This does not mean that they are a Genie and simply grant your wish. Rather,
they open doors, provide support, grant access, etc. that assist you in gaining
your objective.
I know in my case I cannot make it alone. Among other
things, I need the support of my clients, a favorable reaction from my
prospects, a referral from a colleague, support from my mentors, and helpful feedback
from those who want me to succeed. Granted, I often need to earn that support
but regardless of my capabilities, someone who has more support than I will
most likely be more successful.
What do you think?
by Michael Salisbury from the Human Resource Alliance (HRA)